Give your face a mesmerizing glow

Seasons, stress, bad diet and atmospheric pollutants can make your skin look dull and dry. Though regular superficial care and moisturising help, to get a glow from within, you need to eat a healthy skin diet.

Here are 10 such foods- fruits and vegetables that promise a radiant complexion naturally.

1. Beetroot

Antioxidants in your body make your skin glow. More you have them, more is the radiance. Beetroot ensures just that.

It is a rich source of anthocyanins which is a powerful antioxidant that prevents appearance of wrinkles. Your skin will look pink and glowing if you eat beet.(1)beetoort-for-glow-ac

Boil a beetroot and cut it into slices and then consume it. Beetroot can be difficult to digest if eaten raw. You can add a bit of lemon juice on it to reap its full benefits and add a zingy taste to it. Rubbing beetroot on your lips will leave a pink tinge on it. Here are some more benefits of beetroot.

2. Pumpkin seeds

One sure-fire way to brighten your complexion is to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds. These little bits are packed with zinc which is vital in the creation of new skin cells. They also improve skin tone and control oil production in your skin.(2)pumpkin-seeds

Consume a handful of pumpkin seeds as an evening snack. You can also garnish curries with these seeds or add them to your sandwiches for an extra crunch.

3. Amla or Indian gooseberry

Full of vitamin A, amla helps in increasing the collagen production which is essential to keep your skin looking taut and glowing. (3)amla-farm

The best way to eat amla is to consume it on an empty stomach in its juice form, early morning. This will slow down the degeneration of collagen and also help the body produce more.

4. Apple

An apple a day can certainly keep ageing skin at bay! This fruit has vitamin C in abundance which keeps your skin firm and gives it an inner radiance. Apple also prevents free-radical damage which causes premature skin ageing. (4)apple-cutTo ensure glowing skin, you can eat one apple every day. You can also apply the juice of an apple on your face and wash it off with water after 10 minutes.

5. Carrot

Carrot is high in beta carotene which is converted by the body to vitamin A. This makes it a must-eat vegetable in your daily diet. Not only will it give your skin a glow, it will also fight wrinkles and improve your skin, making it healthy.carrot-ac

You can add carrots to your salad or cook it to make a dish. Drinking carrot juice with its fibre intact is also a great way to boost your beauty.

6. Lemon

Your skin tends to look dull when it has scars, acne and blackheads. But lemons can keep these at bay. This fruit has the high content of vitamin C which is needed for the synthesis of collagen.lemon-cut

Squeeze a lemon in a glass of warm water and have it first thing in the morning. You can add a spoonful of honey also in the mixture. Or, simply add a dash of lemon juice on your salad.

7. Spinach

Loaded with antioxidants, spinach can help reduce the onset of wrinkles. It also helps strengthen skin tissue and possesses anti-inflammatory properties which flush out toxins, giving clear, glowing skin.spinach-ac

Usually, spinach has to be boiled and then added to salads or you can make a curry out of it such as palak paneer . Spinach juice too is effective in keeping your skin healthy.

8. Sweet potato

Anti-inflammatory in nature, sweet potato has high vitamin A content which helps fight acne-causing bacteria. The presence of vitamin C further improves skin tone and heals pimple scars.sweetpotato-ac

Eat it as an evening snack. Boil sweet potato and add salt, pepper and lemon juice to it. Eat it with the skin intact for maximum benefits. If it is treated with wax or is too shiny in appearance then it is a good idea to peel off the skin.

9. Tomato

Your skin needs a boost from within to look fresh and glowing. Tomato is rich in an antioxidant called lycopene which has anti-ageing properties and also acts a sunscreen from within. Since tomato is acidic in nature, its pulp helps tighten pores and prevent pimples.truss-tomatoes-ac

Tomatoes are usually a staple of Indian diet and added to several dishes in a puree form. But you can eat them raw as well or apply its pulp and juice on your skin.

10. Lentils

Civilisations, which consume lentils as their staple food, are known to have fairer complexions and soft skins. They are the best-known food for depigmentation of the skin. Lentils are an excellent natural source of folate. One cup of lentils provides almost half your daily recommended intake of manganese.lentils-for-health

Sprout lentils as breakfast or evening snack. Lentil soups and daal preparations are other ways to consume it on a regular basis.

Take home message

Skin friendly foods are the sure way to get a radiant look. Though superficial methods like skin masks, moisturisers and sun screen lotions help, there is nothing to beat the real skin protection that emanates from within.

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