Clear the clutter

Clear the clutter from your mind; everyday

We need a mechanism to daily unplug our mind for a while. Clear the clutter from your mind; everyday.

With the passage of time, we accumulate a heap of clutter in the mind, that it is hardly free to accept new creative thoughts.

Meditation is the way to Clear the clutter

Meditation is the way to remove unwanted thoughts from the mind. It may seem difficult in the beginning, but the practice will make you addictive to its benefits.

When you get up in the morning, sit the in lotus posture; just as you see Budhha postures in meditation.
Close your eyes.
Just sit that way focusing on your breath (respiration) for about 10 minutes, to be gradually increased to 20 minutes over next few weeks.
Do not think of anything.
When thoughts come, take them easy, view them like a third person.
In a while they will vanish; allowing you to focus on the breathing process.
Just conduct yourself as a child who knows nothing.
Meditation helps in taking you to a higher realm of spirituality.
At the end of the session, slowly bring your attention back to your surroundings, listening to the sounds in the vicinity and gradually open your eyes.

In the beginning, you may find it boring.

But slowly, over the days or weeks, your mind will learn to still itself from all thoughts….

and that is what is desired of meditation.

A stilled mind gives room to serenity and the thoughts from the real Self of us start emanating from within,

giving you ideas and making room for a grip on the situations that are encountered in day to day life,

Meditation is a lengthy process which can be experienced with practice alone.

We will discuss more illustrative techniques in the later blogs.

Till then, just start your day with the practice given above.

Meditation is an excellent tool to check anxiety.

It empowers us with peace and makes us feel part of the cosmos, like all else are.

I am sure, you will experience a positive change just after a few days or weeks.

After the meditation session, you will feel light like never before with all your worries gone.

Happy meditating!

Enjoy the bliss that meditation gives!

निजी स्वास्थ्य सलाह के लिए इस लिंक पर विवरण दीजिये

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